Robotic airships
Actuality Airships actuality is associated with aerostatic lift, as well as with the current new level of technical capabilities of production of airships. The new stage of airship development is evidenced by numerous reports about projects and tests of various designs of airships. Reasons for automatic airships: Human mistake is excluded. For an airship with…
DetailsMini Ship Control System
Mathematical model In the selected coordinate system the mathematical model of the miniship has the following form: Where xg, zg – mass center coordinates of the mini-ship in a stationary coordinate system. Vx, Vz – speed vector projections on the axes of XZY coordinate system fixed to the mini-ship. φ – ship’s heading.…
DetailsSoftware Suite for Virtual Modeling and Virtual Testing of Surface and Underwater Robot Systems of Various Purpose
Importance The importance of the suit is caused by the necessity for instruments to test and tune control systems, test control and planning algorithms and teach the operators. The suit is intended for use at the early stages of control and path planning systems design for marine vehicles. This reduces spendings on testing, tuning and…