
Organizational and Expert Activity

Participating in Interdepartmental Working Group (IWG) of the Board of Military Industrialization Commission of Russian Federation

Development of upcoming technical requirements to robot systems. Creation improvement and development and of military and special robotics.

Head of IWG: member of Board of Military Industrialization Commission of Russian Federation Oleg Martyanov.

Head of the section “Basic technologies”: Director of the Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Control Systems, Viacheslav Pshikhopov.

Organization of activities of the 27th working group of the scientific and technical council of MIC

…addressing the problems of creating robot systems of military and special use.

Leader of the working group No. 27 of the SCT MIC RF: Director of the Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Control Systems, Viacheslav Pshikhopov.

Secretary of the working group No. 27 of the SCT MIC RF: Deputy director of RDIRCS Eugeny Kosenko.


Head of the expert council

The National Center for development of Technologies and Basic Elements of Robotics.

Chairman of the Expert Council: Director of RDIRCS Viacheslav Pshikhopov.

Direction of the Center for Development of Education, Science and Technology

Specializing in National defense and security. Organized at SFEDU.

Center Director: Director of RDIRCS Viacheslav Pshikhopov.

9 декабря 2016 года состоялся научный семинар НИИ робототехники и процессов управления

Holding an All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference “Perspective Systems and Control Problems” (“Dombay Conference”)

Chairman of the organizing committee: member of Board of Military Industrialization Commission of Russian Federation Oleg Martyanov

Deputy Chairman: Director of RDIRCS Viacheslav Pshikhopov.