Пшихопов Вячеслав Хасанович

Director of Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Control Systems 

Level of education: higher, Certified Engineer, specialty “Automation and telemechanics”, Taganrog State University of Radio engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog), 1986.
Science degree: Doctor of science, specialty 05.13.01 “System analysis, control and data processing”, 2009.
Academic title: Professor.

Research interests

Robotics, control theory, optimal control systems, automated distributed control system of power facilities and networks.

Employment chronology

1986 – Engineer, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog)

1987 – Senior engineer, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

1991 – Junior researcher, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

1991-1994 – Post-graduate study, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

1995 – Research assistant, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

1998 – Senior researcher, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

1998 – Assistant professor, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

2002-2004 – Post-doctoral study, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

2002 – Founder and leader youth design agency “Robotics and intellectual systems”, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering

2004-2014 – Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog) Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog)

2007 – Director of Coordinating Research and Development Center for Control Systems,  Southern Federal University

2014 – Director of Research Institute of Robotics and Control Systems, Southern Federal University

2015 – Director of Engineering-Technological Academy, Southern Federal University

Awards and professional accomplishments

  1. Head of the Leading Russian Scientific School “Theory and Methods of Control of Vehicles Under the Conditions of Uncertainty” supported by the Grant of the President of Russian Federation.
  2. Russian Federation Education Ministry award for the students scientific leader Pshikhopov V.Kh. 2002.
  3. Organization committee award for the participation in All-Russia scientific and technical youth festival “Mobile robots – 2002”, Moscow, 2002
  4. Special audience prize for the autonomous mobile robot “Skif” on All-Russia scientific and technical youth festival “Mobile robots – 2002”, Moscow, 2002
  5. Gratifying letter form the administration of Taganrog to Pshikhopov V.Kh. for the advances in students science development. 2003.
  6. North-Caucasian Scientific High School Center and Russian Engineering Academy Award for Pshikhopov V.Kh. for the students research works guidance. Rostov-on- Don. 2003.
  7. Rostov region trade unions federation council, regional inventors and rationalists society council awarded a honorary title “Best Inventor of the Don”.
  8. Laureate medal and 1st degree diploma of the All-Russia exhibition of research efforts and innovation activities of students, aspirants and young scientists in Russian Federation. Novocherkassk, 2003
  9. Diploma and medal “AEC Laureate” for the development of the autonomous mobile robot “Sterh”, based on mini-airship.
  10. 1st specialized exhibition “Robotics” award for active participation and successful appearance in “Robotics and mechatronics” seminar, Moscow, 2004
  11. Participating award and prize “For the Contribution to the Environment Saving” of the specialized exhibition “Water, ecology, technology”, Rostov-on-Don, “Vertolexpo”, 2004
  12. IV International Innovations and Investments Salon award for development of the automated street illumination system. Moscow, AEC, 2004
  13. “Rospatent” award for the manipulator controller for high performance robotic complexes development. In the context of the VII International industrial property salon “Archimedes”, Moscow, 2004
  14. VII International industrial property salon “Archimedes” organization committee award for the active participation in salon. Moscow, 2004
  15. “High technologies of XXI century” exhibition award for the participation and innovation activities, Moscow, 2004
  16. “High technologies of XXI century” exhibition award for the development of the resource-saving project “Automated street illumination control system”, Moscow, 2004
  17. All-Russia students scientific and technical creative works exhibition award for participation.
  18. Breastplate of the Education and Science ministry “For the youth science development”, 2004
  19. “Cartography” contest winner diploma for robot “Skif” on the youth festival “Mobile robots 2005”, Mantes-la-Jolie, France
  20. Diploma and medal for the active participation in the special-purpose exhibition “Adaptive and intelligent robots”. All-Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow, 2005.
  21. Diploma for development of control algorithm for robotized airship, Moscow, Ministry of Education and Science, 2006.
  22. Diploma for the best scientific work of 2011, Southern Federal University, Rostov- on-Don, Russia, 2012
  23. Diploma for 1-st place in competition of Indoor Unmanned Airships, ERBA 2013, Moscow, Ramenskoe, 2013
  24. Diploma of Leading Scientific School, Russian Federation President Council, 2014
  25. Awarded as a team member of SFEDU scientists and engineers (under the leadership of Prof. V.Pshikhopov) with a diploma and a gold medal on XVIII Moscow International Salon of inventions and innovative technologies for development of an “Intelligent System of a Robotic Boat Control System”, Moscow, 2015.

Membership in Scientific and Engineering Societies

  1. IEEE since 2002.
  2. Editorial board of journal “FACTA UNIVERSITATIS» (Serbia) since 2007
  3. Intergovernmental Russian-Indian Commision on cooperation, 2010, 2014
  4. Intergovernmental Russian-Italian Commision on cooperation, 2012
  5. SAE, since 2012
  6. Editorial board of journal “Mechatronics, Automation, Control» (Russia) since 2014
  7. Editorial board of journal “Vestnik of SPII Russian Academy of Sciences» (Russia) since 2015


Has more than 40 copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation and more than 100 scientific publications.

The most important:


  1. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Path Following Controller for Manipulating Robot, Russian Federation patent № 2146606, bulletin № 8, 2000.
  2. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Mobile Robot Position-trajectory Controller, Russian Federation patient № 2185279, bulletin № 20, 2002.
  3. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Performance Optimal Manipulating Robot Trajectory Controller, Russian Federation patent № 2199775
  4. Chernukhin Yu.V., Pshikhopov V.Kh., Pisarenko S.N., Trubachev O.E., Adaptive Mobile Robot Controller, Russian Federation patent № 2187832, bulletin №23, 2002
  5. Pshikhopov V.Kh. Trajectory optimal control of manipulator robot, Russian Federation patent № 2199775, 2003
  6. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Dorukh I.G. Controller of mobile object, Russian Federation patent № 88169, bulletin № 30, 2009.
  7. Pshikhopov V.Kh. Method of controlling a moving object and device for its implementation// utility patent RUS 2450308 24.02.2010
  8. Pshikhopov V.Kh, Medvedev M.Yu. M.Yu., Dorukh I.G. Krukhmalev V.A. Fedorenko R.V. The device for airship control// patent, utility models, № 137812, 05.02.2014
  9. Pshikhopov V.Kh, Kulchenko A.E. Software package for construction, research and application of robotic control helicopter// Certificate program computers, № 2013612587, 06.03.2013
  10. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Medvedev M.Yu., Gurenko B.V. Software-modeling complex of autonomous marine mobile objects// Certificate program computers, № 2013660212, 28.10.2013 12.
  11. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Gurenko B.V. Nazarkin A.S. Software of onboard control system of autonomous robotic systems based on the freeboard mini-ship// Certificate program computers, № 2013660412, 05.11.2013.


  1. Beloglazov D.A., Guzik V.P., Kosenko E.Y., Krukhmalev V.A., Medvedev M.Y., et al. Intelligent planning of trajectories of vehicles in environments with obstacles/ Ed. by Pshikhopov V.Kh., Moscow, FIZMATLIT Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, 2014 – 300 p.
  2. Beloglazov D.A., Gaiduk A.R., Kosenko E.Y., Medvedev M.Y., Pshikhopov V.Kh., et al. Group control of vehicles in uncertain environments / Ed. by Pshikhopov V.Kh., Moscow, FIZMATLIT Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, 2015 – 305 p.
  3. Pshikhopov V.Kh. Medevedev M.Y., Estimation and Control in Complicated Dynamic Systems. FIZMATLIT Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Moscow, 2009, 295 p. ISSN 978-5-9221-1176-8.
  4. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Medevedev M.Y., et al, Control of Aeronautic Complexes: Theory and Technologies of Design, FIZMATLIT Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Moscow, 2010, 394 p., ISBN 978-5-9221-1292-5.
  5. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Medevedev M.Y., Vehicles Control in Certain and Uncertain Environments, Nauka Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Moscow, 2011, 350 p., ISBN 978-5-02-037509-3

Recent papers cited by Scopus:

  1. Pshikhopov V.Kh, Medvedev M.Yu. Control of mobile objects in definite and unknown environments. M: Science, 2011. 350 p. ISBN 978-5-02-037509-3.
  2. Pshihopov V.Kh, Medvedev M.Yu., Haiduk A.R., Neudorf R.A., Belyaev V.., Fedorenko R.V. Kostjukov V.A., Krukhmalev V.A. System of position-trajectory control robotic aeronautic platform: control algorithms. – Mechatronics, Automation and Control, 2013, № 7. Pp. 13 – 20.
  3. Pshihopov V.Kh, Medvedev M.Yu. and others. Control of aeronautic complexes: theory and design technology. FIZMATLIT Russian Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Moscow, 2010. 400 p.
  4. Shanin D.A., Pshihopov V.Kh, Medvedev M.Yu. Neural network adaptive controller for the control problem of helicopter model through a global feedback // Proceedings of the SFedU. Engineering. Number 11. 2008. Pp. 107 – 110.
  5. Pshikhopov, V.K., Medvedev, M.Y., Gurenko, “Homing and docking autopilot design for autonomous underwater vehicle”, 2014, Applied Mechanics and Materials
  6. Pshikhopov, V.Kh., Medvedev, M.Yu., Gaiduk, A.R., Gurenko, B.V., Control system design for autonomous underwater vehicle, 2013, Proceedings – 2013 IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, LARS 2013, doi:10.1109/LARS.2013.61
  7. Pshikhopov, V., Sergeev, N., Medvedev, M., Kulchenko, A., The design of helicopter autopilot, 2012, SAE Technical Papers
  8. Pshikhopov, V., Medvedev, M., Kostjukov, V., Fedorenko, R., Gurenko, B., Krukhmalev, V. “Airship Autopilot Design,” SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-2736, 2011, doi:10.4271/2011-01-2736
  9. Pshikhopov, V.Kh., Krukhmalev, V.A., Medvedev, M.Yu., Budko, A.Yu., Chufistov, V.M., Adaptive control system design for robotic aircrafts, 2013 IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, LARS 2013, doi:10.1109/LARS.2013.59
  10. Pshikhopov, V.Kh., Medvedev, M.Yu., Block design of robust control systems by direct Lyapunov method, 2011, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), doi: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.00006
  11. Pshikhopov, V.Kh., Ali, A.S., Hybrid motion control of a mobile robot in dynamic environments, 2011, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2011 – Proceedings
  12. Pshikhopov, V.Kh., Medvedev, M.Yu, Robust control of nonlinear dynamic systems, 2010, IEEE ANDESCON Conference Proceedings, ANDESCON 2010