Deputy Director for General Affairs
Area of work: organizational, regulatory and expert-analytical support of the activities of the Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Control Systems.
Level of education
1999 – Bachelor of science, specialty “Computer engineering”,Taganrog State University of Radio engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog);
2000 – Engineer, specialty “Automated systems of information processing and control”, Taganrog State University of Radio engineering;
2001 – Master of science, specialty “Computer engineering”, Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov- on-Don).
Science degree, academic title
Candidate of science (specialty “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs”) 2003, Associate professor (2007).
Research interests
methods of fuzzy and adaptive control, design of distributed information and control systems, modern information technologies, SCADA technologies, artificial intelligence systems.
Employment chronology
- 2005-2007 — Head of the Design Center of Transfer of Scientific Developments of Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering for the North Caucasus region, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog);
- 2007-2008 — Deputy Dean for Educational work, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog);
- 2008-2012 — Deputy Dean for Scholarly work, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, Southern Federal University;
- 2012-2014 — Deputy Dean for Academic work, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, Southern Federal University;
- 2014-2015 — Deputy director of Engineering-Technological Academy for the organizational and administrative work, Southern Federal University;
- 2014 — Deputy Director of Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Control Systems for General Affairs, Southern Federal University.
Total: 90, including 7 monographs, 10 study guides, 2 patents and 2 certificates of software products registration.
The most important:
- Ziborov, M. V., Kosenko E. Y., Ignatenko A. E., Sokolov A.V., Finaev V. I. Program information system for the production of transport on the accounting and administrative practice in the traffic police // Certificate program computers, № 2004612720 от.23.12.04.
- Beloglazov D. A., Solovyov V. V., Kosenko E. Y., Kosenko O. V., Coberci S. I., Sinyavskaya E. D., Shkurkin D. V., Ivanova D. Y. The program of automation of the synthesis and optimal setting of fuzzy controllers based on bioinspired algorithms //Certificate program computers, № 2014612051 от 17.02.2014.
- Kosenko E. Y., Makarov S.S., Finaev V. I. Development and research of design methods of distributed information control systems. Rostov-on-don, Publishing house RGU. 2004.‑198 p.
- Ziborov, M. V., Zhidkova T. Z., Kosenko E. Y., Makarov S. S., Finaev V. I. Modeling and information support of medical institutions Moscow, Publishing house MGUP, 2005‑437p.
- Kosenko E. Y., Nomerchuk A. Y., Skubilin M. D.,Finaev V. I. Automatization of technological processes and production: synthesis, optimization, implementation. Taganrog: Publishing house SFU, 2012. – 412 p.
- Kosenko E. Y. Transducers and sensors in control systems. Taganrog: Publishing house SFU, 2012. – 412 p.
- Beloglazov D.A., Guzik V.P., Kosenko E.Y., Krukhmalev V.A., Medvedev M.Y., et al. Intelligent planning of trajectories of vehicles in environments with obstacles/ Ed. by Pshikhopov V.Kh., Moscow, FIZMATLIT, 2014 – 300 p.
- Beloglazov D.A., Gaiduk A.R., Kosenko E.Y., Medvedev M.Y., Pshikhopov V.Kh., et al. Group control of vehicles in uncertain environments / Ed. by Pshikhopov V.Kh., Moscow, FIZMATLIT, 2015 – 305 p.
Recent papers cited by Scopus:
- Finaev V., Beloglazov D., Shapovalov I., Kosenko E., Influence of internal and external factors on a controlled quadrotor flight, International journal of mathematical models and methods in applied sciences ISSN: 1998-0140 Volume 8, 2014 р. 498-504.
- Finaev V., Beloglazov D., Shapovalov I., Kosenko E., Kobersy I. Evolutionary algorithm for intelligent hybrid system training, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISSN 1819-6608 VOL. 10, NO. 6, APRIL 2015 p. 2386- 2391.
- Beloglazov D., Finaev V., Ignatyev V., Zargaryan Y., Soloviev V., Kosenko E. Efficiency of genetic algo-rithms in intelligent hybrid control systems. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISSN 1819-6608 VOL. 10, NO. 6, APRIL 2015 p.2488- 2495
- Finaev V., Kobersy I., Beloglazov D., Shapovalov I., Kosenko E., Soloviev V. Design of the neuro-like learning control system for a vehicle, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Volume 10, 2015. С 328-334.
- Finaev V., Zargaryan Y., Kosenko E., Soloviev V., Kobersy I. Hybrid algorithm for the control of technical objects, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 10, NO. 6, APRIL 2015, С. 2335-2339.
- Finaev V., Zargaryan Y., Kosenko E., Soloviev V., Shapovalov I. Research of Graph-analytical Methods for a Vehicle Motion Planning, 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2015) Oct. 13-16, 2015 in BEXCO, Busan, Korea, С. 585-591.
Awards and professional accomplishments
- the expert of the Association for engineering education of Russia on the issues of international accreditation of educational programs, 2012;
- the secretary of the working group of scientific and technical council of the Russian Federation Military-Industrial Commission on the problems of creation of robotic systems for military and special purpose.
Additional skills
knowledge of programming languages C / C++, SCADA technologies.