V.Kh. Pshikhopov, A.E. Kulchenko. The software package for building, research and application of robotic helicopter control system [Text]: Certificate of state registration of computer programs – registration №2013612587.


The civil and military use of unmanned helicopters is largely constrained by the complexity of the such object management. At the same time, the helicopters are able to solve a wide range of tasks, functioning in the modes that are inaccessible to other aircraft types.


The Institute staff has developed a generalized nonlinear mathematical model of the helicopter, method of the adaptive position- trajectory control of robotic single-rotor helicopter with tail rotor; design method of hardware and software for computer modeling of the dynamics of aircraft of the helicopter type.

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  1. V.Kh. Pshikhopov, A.E. Kulchenko, M.Yu. Medvedev. Synthesis of control algorithms for single-rotor mini-helicopter [Text] // Section V. Monitoring and control in engineering systems, Proceedings of SFU. Technical sciences. – 2014. – ISSN 1999-9429.
  2. V.Kh. Pshikhopov, A.E. Kulchenko, V.M.Chufistov. Flight Simulation of the single-rotor helicopter under control position-trajectory regulator. [Electronic resource] // Don Engineering reporter, 2013, №2. –ISSN 2073-8633. – URL: http://ivdon.ru/magazine/archive/n2y2013/1650.
  3. V.Kh. Pshikhopov, N.E. Sergeev, M.Yu. Medvedev, A.E. Kulchenko. Data processing algorithm in the problem of identifying the parameters of a mini-helicopter CALIBER V90 [Text] // Proceedings of SFU. Technical sciences. – 2012. –№ 3(128) –pp. 58-65. –ISSN 1999-9429.
  4. A.E. Kulchenko. Structural and algorithmic organization autopilot robot – helicopter [Electronic resource] // Don Engineering reporter, 2011, №1. –ISSN 2073-8633. –URL: http://ivdon.ru/magazine/archive/n1y2011/330.
  5. A.E. Kulchenko. Software – hardware simulation system for robot – helicopter // Proceedings of the Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, №1 (39) 2011. –pp. 164-168. –ISSN 1999-9429.
  6. Kulchenko, A. The features of flight-dynamic single-rotor helicopter mathematical model: for application in autopilots that based on position-trajectory algorithms [Текст] / A.Kulchenko, V. Kostukov, L. Verevkina, V. Chufistov / IEEE: Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2014 19th International Conference, Miedzyzdroje, 2-5 September 2014. – 423-428 pp. – ISBN: 978-1-4799-5082-9. – doi: 10.1109/MMAR.2014.6957391.
  7. Pshikhopov, V. The study of path-following accuracy of robotic single-rotor helicopter [Text] / V. Pshikhopov, A. Kulchenko, M. Medvedev M., V. Kostukov, V. Chufistov // Scientific Journal Facta Universitatis. – vol. 13, No. 3, 2014. – print ISSN: 1820-6417. – online ISSN: 1820-6425.
  8. Pshikhopov, V.Kh. The Design of Helicopter Autopilot [Text] / V.Kh. Pshikhopov, N.E. Sergeev, M.U. Medvedev, A.E. Kulchenko // SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-2183. –2012, doi:10.4271/2012-01-2183.
  9. V.Kh. Pshikhopov, N.E.Sergeev, M.Yu. Medvedev, A.E. Kulchenko. Parameter estimation for of the mobile object based on the results of navigational information processing [Text] // Proceedings of the conference “Information Technologies in Management”, St. Petersburg, 2012. –pp. 639-645.
  10. V.Kh. Pshikhopov, N.E. Sergeev, A.E. Kulchenko. The demonstration prototype of a robotic mini-helicopter [Text] // The Seventh International Aerospace Congress IAC’12. –Moscow, 2012. –pp. 110-111. –ISBN 978-5-98625-106-6.
  11. Sergeev, N. // The modification of linguistic variable concept for 2D/3D vision-based robot navigation [Text] / N. Sergeev, V. Pshikhopov, A. Kulchenko, D. Kadishev // Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements – SAUM 2012. –Niš, Serbia, November 14-16, 2012. 23
  12. V.A.Kostukov, A.E. Kulchenko. Flight Simulation single-rotor mini helicopter on the target trajectory [Text] // Special project analysis of scientific achievements: Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Dnepropetrovsk, 2011. –pp. 29-32. –ISBN 978-966-2447-73-6.
  13. A.E. Kulchenko, R.V. Fedorenko. The structural organization of the UAV control system based on mini-helicopter [Text] // Proceedings of the Fifth All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Perspective Systems and Control Problems” and the Second youth school-seminar “Control and information processing in technical systems”. – Taganrog: Publishing house of TTI SFU, 2010. –pp.135-139. –ISBN 978-5-8327-0312-1.
  14. A.E. Kulchenko. Mathematical model of the single-rotor design helicopter [Text] // All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference “Mavlyutovskie readings”. – Ufa ,2009.
  15. V.Kh. Pshikhopov, A.E. Kulchenko. The software package for building, research and application of robotic helicopter control system [Text]: Certificate of state registration of computer programs – registration №2013612587.