
The modern robotics develops in two main directions; the first one is related to development of the specialized robot systems solving a limited number of tasks, the second one is related to development of multifunctional complexes devoted to solution of a wide circle of tasks. Obviously, considering the flexibility and versatility, the multifunctional systems excel the specialized ones while being more expensive.


The multifunctional robotic systems can be implemented on a single complicated robotic platform or be based on a group of simple robots with a limited set of functions. The second way seems to be more effective since it allows for solution of various tasks at a lowest cost. Besides, the effective application of robot groups is impossible without development of specialized group control systems.

The problems of group control for mobile objects requiring solution of problems of decentralization of control system, group clusterization and goals distribution are a matter of high interest for the Russian and world scientists. The research results are presented in a number of publications. This interest is caused by the promising possibilities of application of the vehicle groups in various areas of human activity and by the complexity of the existing problems.


Features of the intelligent systems of motion control for vehicle groups

Areas of application: application of groups of robot systems under the conditions of counteraction, testing, estimation and analysis of strategy and tactics of applying the robotic systems, overall estimation of effectiveness of application of robot systems under various operation conditions.

Features and advantages over the other approaches are analogous to the features and advantages of these approaches applied to stand-alone robot systems.


Examples of implementation of intelligent systems of motion systems group control

Distributed motion control for a group of vehicles in uncertain environment with mobile obstacles. The control system is built using the potential fields and fuzzy logic methods.
Example of operation of and integrated visualization system for heterogeneous groups of unmanned airborne vehicles. For successful solution of the set tasks, a procedure of international distribution of subtasks among the vehicles is implemented.
An iterational procedure of subtasks distribution among the vehicles is implemented for a successful task solution set for a group of vehicles.


1. Pshikhopov, V., Medvedev, M., Gaiduk, A., Kolesnikov, A. Control method for heterogeneous vehicle groups control in obstructed 2-D environments // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2016, 9812, pp. 40-47.
2. Pshikhopov, V., Medvedev, M., Kolesnikov, A., Fedorenko, R., Gurenko, B. Decentralized Control of a Group of Homogeneous Vehicles in Obstructed Environment // Journal of Control Science and Engineering 2016, 7192371.

3. D.A. Beloglazov, V.F.Guzik, E.U.Kosenko, V.A.Krukhmalev, M.U.Medvedev, V.A.Pereverzev, V.Kh.Pshikhopov, O.A.Pyavchenko, R.V.Saprykin, V.V.Soloviev, V.I.Soloviev, U.V.Chernukhin, I.O.Shapovalov.Intelligent path-planning for vehicles in obstructed environments, Ed. V.Kh.Pshikhopov, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 450 p., 2014.

Белоглазов Д.А., Гайдук А.Р., Косенко Е.Ю., Медведев М.Ю., Пшихопов В.Х., Соловьев В.В., Титов А.Е., Финаев В.И., Шаповалов И.О. Групповое управление подвижными объектами в неопределенных средах / Под. ред. В.Х. Пшихопова. — М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2015. — 305 c.

5. D.A. Beloglazov, V.I. Finaev, A.E. Tivov, I.O. Shapovalov, and V.V. Soloviev, Group robot control in non-deterministic environments using the potential field method // Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2016), 2016, pp. 371-376.

6. Gaiduk A., Kapustyan S., Shapovalov I. Self-organization in groups of intelligent robots // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015. Vol. 345. pp. 171-181.

7. E.U.Kosenko, I.O.Shapovalov. Distributed nonlinear control of a group of robots based on quasi-linear form of equations, Izvestiya SFEDU. Technical sciences. No.5, 2014, pp. 45-51

8. V.Kh.Pshikhopov, M.U.Medvedev, A.R. Gaiduk, Control algorithms for heterogeneous groups of objects in 2D obstructed environments, Mechatronics, automation, control, 2016, Vol. 17, No 8, pp. 515-524.

9. A.R.Gaiduk, S.G.Kapustyan, V.I.Merkulov, Besklubova K.V., Group control of UAV, Informational measuring and controlling systems, 2014. Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 24-36.