Head of the Mathematical and software department.
Area of work – design and development of software and algorithms for robots of different types.
2011 PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Russian) in Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems
Southern Federal University, Rostov-na-Donu
2008 Master of science in Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Electrical technologies
Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Taganrog
Faculty of natural science and humanitarian education
2007 Control and Informatics in Technical Systems Engineer
Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Taganrog
Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering
2006 Bachelor of science in Automation and Control
Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Taganrog
Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering.
Work experience
October 2014 — till now
Research Institute of Robotics and Control Processes of the Southern Federal University, Taganrog, rirpc.ru/
Senior Researcher
Area of work – design and development of software and algorithms for robots of different types. Participated in more than 10 R & D, including those engaged in software development, research, writing technical documentation, participated in the testing.
From 06.01.2015 – Head of the Mathematical and software department.
The main projects of the Research Institute of robotics and control processes with the participation of Roman Fedorenko:
- European Commission grant project MAAT (Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport);
- Design, manufacture and delivery of control, navigation and telecommunications systems for a prototype of an unmanned high-altitude airship (near space aircraft platform control system) for the China’s Hunan Space Agency;
- Robotic boat control system for environmental monitoring of the Azov Sea;
- Mini-USV control system;
- Development of control and navigation systems of AUV;
- Multipurpose field robots simulator.
Awards and professional accomplishments:
In 2016:
- President of Russian Federation grant for state support of young Russian scientists with the project “Development of methods of control systems for airships, unified by their technical characteristics and design of the actuators”,
- winner of the competition of research works in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
- received a government award for young scientists of the Rostov region of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “Southern Federal University”, engaged in research and innovation activities.
In 2015:
- Gold Medal of XVIII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies “Archimedes-2015” for the development of “intelligent robotic boat control system”,
- Diploma for contribution to the development of youth science from rector of the Southern Federal University.
In 2014:
- certificate for the victory in competitive selection of Head of undergraduate training “Mechatronics and Robotics” from the rector of the Southern Federal University.
Published more 25+ research articles, received a patent for utility model, 3 certificate of state registration of the computer programs.
January 2006 — till now
Southern Federal University Taganrog, www.eim.sfedu.ru
Assistant of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics
- Acting Executive responsible for R & D “Development of control, navigation and telecommunications systems for a prototype of an unmanned high-altitude airship”;
- Participated in the implementation of R & D 6, is performed on the department;
- educational activity;
- took an active part in work of student design bureau “Robotics and Intelligent Systems”. Engaged in the development of onboard software control system for a mobile robot “Skif” and mini-airship-based robot “Sterkh”. Participated in the competition “Mobile Robots”, Moscow, 2008.
Awards and professional accomplishments:
- diploma for the 1st place in the autonomous airships operating indoor competitions ERBA 2013 Moscow;
- certificate “Development and debug applications in QNX 6.0 real-time operating system using Momentics development package”. St. Petersburg, 2009,
- Company SWD Software award for the presentation of the project in the scientific and practical seminar «QNX Technology – achievements and trends” in St. Petersburg, 2009,
- certificate of Auckland University on the theme: “Industrial automation, robotics and mechatronics.” Auckland, New Zealand 2008,
- nominal grant of the Head of the Rostov region in 2007 for teaching and research activities, • diploma of the Ministry of Industry and Science of Moscow Region for the development of “autonomous mobile robot based on the airship”, presented at the air show “MAKS-2007”.
- Fedorenko R., Gurenko B. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Mathematical Model and Simulator //Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation. – ACM, 2016. – С. 56-60. – doi: 10.1145/3029610.3029639
- Gurenko B., Fedorenko R., Shevchenko V. Research of Autonomous Surface Vehicle Control System //Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation. – ACM, 2016. – С. 131-135. – doi: doi>10.1145/3029610.3029642
- Vyacheslav Pshikhopov, Mikhail Medvedev, Alexander Kolesnikov, Roman Fedorenko, and Boris Gurenko, Decentralized control algorithms of a group of vehicles in 2D space, SPIE Digital Library, Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Machine Vision, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2266499
- Vyacheslav Pshikhopov, Mikhail Medvedev, Alexander Kolesnikov, Roman Fedorenko, Boris Gurenko. Decentralized Control of a Group of Homogeneous Vehicles in Obstructed Environment. J. Control Sci. Eng. 2016 (August 2016), 5-. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/7192371
- Roman Fedorenko, Boris Gurenko Local and Global Motion Planning for Unmanned Surface Vehicle. MATEC Web of Conferences 42 01005 (2016). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20164201005
- Roman Fedorenko, Victor Indoor Autonomous Airship Control and Navigation System. MATEC Web of Conferences 42 01006 (2016). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20164201006
- Gurenko, R. Fedorenko, M. Beresnev, R. Saprykin, «Development of Simulator for Intelligent Autonomous Underwater Vehicle», Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 799-800, pp. 1001- 1005, 2015
- V.Kh. Pshikhopov, M.Yu. Medvedev, A.R. Gaiduk, R.V. Fedorenko, V.A. Krukhmalev, B.V. Gurenko, Position-Trajectory Control System for Unmanned Robotic Airship, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 8953-8958, ISSN 1474-6670, http://dx.doi.org/10.3182/20140824- 6-ZA-1003.00393
- Gurenko, R. Fedorenko, A. Nazarkin, «Autonomous Surface Vehicle Control System», Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 704, pp. 277-282, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.704.277
- Pshikhopov, V., Medvedev, M., Krukhmalev, V., Fedorenko, R. et al., «Method of Docking for Stratospheric Airships of Multibody Transportation System,» SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2162, 2014, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/2014-01-2162
- Pshikhopov, M. Medvedev, A. Gaiduk, R. Neydorf, V. Belyaev, R. Fedorenko, V. Krukhmalev, «Mathematical model of robot on base of airship,» 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, 2013, pp. 959-964. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2013.6760006
- Pshikhopov, M. Medvedev, A. Gaiduk, V. Belyaev, R. Fedorenko and V. Krukhmalev, «Positiontrajectory control system for robot on base of airship,» 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, 2013, pp. 3590-3595. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2013.6760435
- Neydorf, R., Novikov, S., and Fedorenko, R., «Continuous-Positional Automatic Ballonet Control System for Airship,» SAE Int. J. Aerosp. 6(2):598-606, 2013, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/2013-01- 2236
- Pshikhopov, M. Yu. Medvedev, R.V. Fedorenko et al., «Adaptive Control System Design for Robotic Aircrafts,» Robotics Symposium and Competition (LARS/LARC), 2013 Latin American, Arequipa, 2013, pp. 67-70.
- Pshikhopov, V., Medvedev, M., Kostjukov, V., Fedorenko, R. et al., «Airship Autopilot Design,» SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-2736, 2011, doi:10.4271/2011-01-2736.