
At present the requirements for the power systems reliability are constantly increasing. This is caused by insufficient power supply, an increase of the number of elements and decomposition of the concurrent technological processes of generation, transmission and consumption of energy. Besides, rise in the cost of electric energy and complication of the power system’s structure, emerging of new elements that can both consume and generate energy leads to the necessity of application of new energy-saving technologies increasing effectiveness of the processes of generation, consumption and distribution of energy.



A modern power system is a single complicated multiply connected dynamic system of “generation-transmission-consumption” operating under the conditions of uncertainty. This inhibits the effective solution of the power system control problem by the existing methods and requires development of new structural and algorithmic approaches. Solution of this problem would have a positive effect on the whole Russian economy and on the specific sector of power industry. So reduction of the number of faults and energy unit shutdowns, and minimizing the cases of insufficient energy production will have a positive effect on reliability of the power system. Use of state of the art technological developments would increase the effectiveness of the processes of generation, consumption and distribution of energy.


Features of Intelligent Control for Power Systems

Application areas: the obtained results can be used in creation of the modern power systems.

Distinctive features: reduction of influence of fault and critical modes on the quality and stability of the power system and optimization of power consumption.

Advantages over other approaches: increase of the system’s stability in all the modes of operation, increase in effectiveness and safety of the power system in extraordinary and emergency situations, by reduction of the influence of specific power equipment on the general reliability of the power grid.



Examples of implementation of the proposed approaches to power systems control and energy distribution

Structure of the intelligent power system. Here ASP – automatic sectioning point; RP – relay protection.
The overall hierarchical structure of the intelligent control system for the power grid. It consists of the top level control system, segment control systems, and local control systems.
Experimental installation with heterogeneous electromechanical and power equipment for testing the control quality in various modes of energy generation.


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